Project Experience
Only Remediate The Part In The MiddleConfidential Manufacturing Company (Remedy 2010; LTM through 2012)
This project site involves a complex remediation concept. The upgradient site is impacted with chlorinated compounds, the down-gradient site is impacted with chlorinated compounds and the client’s site is also impacted with chlorinated compounds.
The assignment from the insurance carriers responsible for reaching closure for the project: Design a remedy that only remediates the impact to Client’s site in the middle.
With that as an assignment, AcuityES professionals designed a chemical oxidation “recirculation” remedy:
- Caissons were constructed to form rechargeable batteries containing potassium permanganate (solid) that was solubilized and allowed to seep into the upgradient groundwater.
- Down gradient extraction wells were used to remove impacted groundwater and pump it back upgradient to the caissons thus creating the recirculation loop.
The potassium permanganate reacted with the chlorinated compounds and through diffusion, spread laterally beneath the manufacturing building. This approach was evaluated using a pilot test and demonstrated to be successful.
The pilot test system was subsequently modified to address the full extent of the chlorinated compound beneath the manufacturing building.