Project Experience

BRAC Pilot Test: Zero Valent Iron Efficacy


A historical landfill located on property divested from the military under the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) program. The landfill’s downgradient monitoring wells detected arsenic and vinyl chloride in groundwater at concentrations exceeding State regulatory limits. AcuityES was part of a project team assigned to conduct a pilot test to investigate the efficacy of a zero valent iron (ZVI) permeable reactive barrier (PRB) to treat arsenic and vinyl chloride groundwater impacts.


AcuityES oversaw the installation of a ZVI PRB curtain upgradient of an impacted downgradient monitoring well. Approximately 24 tons of zero valent iron was injected at the two injection locations. Hydrofractures were conducted at four foot intervals to a depth of approximately 35 feet below grade.


Post-ZVI PRB installation groundwater monitoring results suggested an immediate short term beneficial effect on arsenic and vinyl chloride concentrations. However, long term groundwater sampling results did not identify the ZVI PRB as an effective groundwater treatment option.

