Project Experience
Proprietary Iron Sulfide ReagentAcuityES was retained to develop a full-scale multimillion dollar remediation program to address both soil and groundwater contamination at a former chrome plating and grinding facility located in Muncie, Indiana. The project was funded via a confidential settlement between the former owners of the company. AcuityES developed a strategic technical design team incorporating the skills and experience of chromic acid remediation professionals from around the country. The project included:
- additional release delineation,
- development of treatment assessment bench tests,
- application of field demonstration tests, and
- implementation of a unique remedy using an innovative and proprietary iron sulfide based blended reagent (that had never been used for soil or groundwater remediation prior to this project).
The success of the overall project was tied to the use of a dual-axis rotating soil blending tool for treatment of the source soil, and a pressure driven reagent delivery system for treatment of the groundwater plume. This contract also included decontamination and off-site relocation of the former plating operations, followed by decontamination and demolition of the Site structures.
Prior to award, the legal team representing the former owners solicited multiple proposals to address the Site remedy requirements. Two of the proposals were estimated to be in excess of seven million dollars, and were anticipated to require between 15 and 20 years to complete the remedy. AcuityES presented a remedy that cost about half that of the competing proposals and was successfully implemented in only one year (with two years for post remedy monitoring).