Project Experience
Dechlorination: Molded Rubber PartsChallenge
AcuityES was retained to prepare and implement a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to address chlorinated solvent impacts to soil and groundwater at a 40-acre parcel that was formerly developed as a molded rubber parts manufacturing plant in the 1950’s. Chlorinated solvents impacted groundwater creating a plume of tetrachloroethene and trichloroethene greater than 1/2 mile in length and 50 feet in depth.
Two remedies were presented in the CAP for consideration at the Site. Source area soils will be addressed using Electrical Resistance Heating (ERH), which is an in situ thermal remediation and contaminant vapors recovery technology. Impacted groundwater will be addressed via in situ reductive dechlorination. AcuityES proposes to inject CAP18-METM (a commercial vegetable based reductant reagent) and microbial augments into the impacted groundwater beneath and downgradient of the Site.
AcuityES conducted bench testing of potential injectants to facilitate the reductive dechlorination. Pilot scale testing is currently being conducted for the selected dechlorination reductants. Upon successful demonstration of the pilot test, full scale implementation of groundwater treatment and source area soils will be implemented.